“What’s Your Favorite Part About Photographing Weddings?”
No two weddings are ever the same — each has it’s own unique group of people and details which means I get to witness something different at every one. If I took the time to write my favorite part about each one, we’d be here for hours. Instead, I’ve categorized my list into this collection of broader bullet points; so without further ado, I present to you my favorite part about photographing weddings.
What I Learned from “The Art of Gathering”, and How We’re Incorporating It Into Our Wedding
This year, I found a book called the Art of Gathering (by Priya Parker) that introduced me to a more intentional way to gather people. These are my biggest takeaways from her book, and an insight on how I’m incorporating these lessons into my own wedding.
An Impromptu Road Trip to Death Valley with Neco
Journal entries and photographs from this impromptu trip up to Death Valley with one of my best pals.
My Best Friend’s Having a Baby!
An afternoon of soaking up the sun and drinking (non-alcoholic) bevvies in her dad’s backyard to celebrate the coming arrival of our new best friend.